
How long do 14 day correspondence games usually last for?

you should have played by snail mail in the old days. Sometimes it would take a month or more just for the postcard to arrive from another country. Months, if from behind the old "iron curtain".
I have like 45 14 day correspondence games going on, they starting 2-3 months ago and are still in opening
@Berry312 said in #1:
> I’ve starting a lot of 14 day correspondence games and have a question when in the world do they usually end at?

All of those games which have been started at that time control are still unfinished, and will remain so until the end of time.

Either believe that, or work out the math for a 60 move game. Would be 60x2x14 for a 60 move game with the full 14 days between moves, I ́m sure you have access to a calculator somewhere.

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