
How to crush the Sicilian (100% success rate!!)

Yesterday, I replied automatically to 1.d6 with c5 (I was busy cooking dinner and I couldn't think anything better while trying not to chop my fingers), it turned out to be a solid reply to that apparently named "Mieses opening".
@Akarsh_2010 said in #6:
> My opponent played c5 anyway what do I do now hellllp

You can do a lot of things here. But if you want simple but good; push d5 and you will have a nice pawn structure and space advantage.
Qf3, g4, a3 to prevent b4, h4,g5 or h5, get diagonal on a8 then on b8 or c8 if rook moves. And pray to Thanos.
Let's see:
1. e4 c5
2. d4 cxd4
Now, the only point in c3 to gain a tempo.
3. c3 dxd3
4. Nxc3 and things look OK.
White plusses: Lead in development, some tempo, control of the centre, open c-file and half-open d-file.
White bothers: Material deficit
If white's a good player, then white can make use of these plusses and win, or get at least a draw. However, most of these plusses are static, and white must use them ASAP.
Credits to the late Jeremy Silman. May his soul rest in peace.

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