
New comments disappearing in my studies

New comments in my studies are not properly saved somehow.
If I refresh the page, the comment may still be there but if I go back some moves and forward again to the position where I wrote the comment, it has vanished.

This seems to happen for every new board position I'm trying to comment on. Comments older than approximately one week still remain.

Is there a character limit for the "sum" of all comments on studies?

I have no idea why this happens and I need help to resolve this issue.
Sounds weird, does this happen for all studies? Can you link a study where it happens?
I don't really want to make my study public.
If I create a new study, my comments remain saved.

The issue is still present in the above-mentioned study. Meanwhile I found new comments disappearing in the other chapters too.
Update: Still having the same troubles.

I thought for some time I had fixed it by deactivating and reactivating the REC button and comments seemed to be saved after refreshing the page and going back to the position. However, coming back to the study after some hours some comments disappeared again while others persevere.

This reinforces my idea that there is some sort of character limit but I still don't know.

I also wanted to try to clone the study and see if that helps but I couldn't figure out how to do this.
The same thing is now happening in another study too.

Editing a comment resulted in the whole comment being deleted after going to another position and coming back later after some time. It's really strange because it wasn't getting deleted immediately when I tested going back and fourth in the position after editing the comment. The issue occurred after analysing a new position and going back to the original position where I had my comment edited.

As long as I can not fix this issue I take care to not edit any of my studies.

In the study where the problem originally occurred I observed something I can't explain and I'm wondering if it is related with the problem in any way: When I edit a comment the number of the speech bubble symbol ("comment button") changes from 1 to 2. This doesn't make any sense to me, since I'm not writing a second comment and I don't even know how I would be supposed to write a second comment as there is only one comment "window" to write text in (per position).
I tried to reproduce it and couldn't.

I need clear steps to reproduce the issue. If I can't see it, I can't fix it.
#3, everyone can still see your studies if they go into your profile, or if they follow you it will say on the notifacations: soandso creates study blahblahalblajl

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