
Lichess coaches

NM ivanmesquitaa Lichess coach picture

NM Ivan Mesquita

"A maior habilidade no xadrez consiste em não permitir que o oponente mostre o que ele pode fazer." Garry Kasparov

Location Brazil
RatingFIDE: 223728052596
Hourly rateValor no privado: Aulas avulsas de 1hr - Pacotes de 10hrs com preços promocionais
CM TreinadorBR Lichess coach picture

CM Nery Junior

Venha evoluir seu Xadrez de verdade! Irei te ensinar a estudar Xadrez corretamente.

Location Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, Español
RatingFIDE: 22172509237426002433
Hourly rateR$ 40,00
NM mgarcett Lichess coach picture

NM Matheus Garcett

Do básico ao avançado

LocationCampo Grande Brazil
LanguagesEspañol, Português (BR)
RatingFIDE: 206421332006
Hourly rate35USD
IM hcvanriemsdijk Lichess coach picture

IM Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

Endgames before openings; Tactics before Strategy

LocationSao Paulo Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, Nederlands, Español, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2265
Hourly rate250 reais one hour; 400 reais two hours
GM Microwaver Lichess coach picture

GM Alexandr Fier

If you are looking for chaos, that's the place!

Location Brazil
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 26062780
Hourly rateLessons for 100 dollars per hour. 70 dollars for 45 minutes of blitz or rapid with a 15 minutes chat about the games.
NM ThalesBond Lichess coach picture

NM Thales Bond Dias Ferreira

Ensino você a se apaixonar pelo xadrez!

LocationLinhares, Espirito Santo Brazil
RatingFIDE: 208621872205
Hourly rateR$ 60,00
NM Gazola Lichess coach picture

NM Vanessa Gazola

“Lembre-se de que cada dia que você deixa de treinar, ou de se dedicar ao treinamento significa um dia mais distante da realização de seus sonhos.” Bernardinho.

LocationSão Paulo Brazil
Hourly rateConsultar no privado
FM viniciustine Lichess coach picture

FM Vinícius Tiné Martins

Helping students on growing their chess skills and knowledge. Please get in touch and let's work together!

LocationRecife Brazil
LanguagesEnglish (US), Português
RatingFIDE: 22532245
Hourly ratePlease ask inbox!
NM phanpy Lichess coach picture

NM Igor Mourão

If you are a beginner and/or young chess player and want to understand the game throughout a dynamic and didactic way, send me a message.

LocationGoiania Brazil
RatingFIDE: 217826022434
Hourly rateU$12
IM MIack Lichess coach picture

IM Máximo Iack

'Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.' — Ralph Charell

LocationNatal/RN Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, Español
RatingFIDE: 23391968